15 September 2007

Rhea Yablon Kennedy

Rhea Yablon Kennedy
A kitchen in Washington, DC
writer and chef

writing a blog about eating sustainably, awareness of ways to eat sustainably (cooking from scratch, buying locally, etc), ways to live greenly while saving green, ways to be eco-friendly without looking or smelling like a hippie (unless you want to)
ecointerests learning more about all of the above, getting involved with the cooperative housing movement, making re-using cool and curbing the culture of Must-Have-It-New, fighting for tax incentives and legislatives favoring alternative energy
contact theschmea at gmail dot com / rhea dot kennedy at gallaudet. dot edu (work/pager)
/ 202.669.3602 (cell)
v/blog www.youaredelicious.net {Musings, tips, and recipes for a sustainable eating and a tastier you}

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