Ladies and gentlemen,
my Name is Matthias. I´m from Germany. I´m born deaf.
I study Socialwork in Berlin. At the present I am in 2th semester. In the fifth semester
I´m gonna to do my internship for 5 or 6 months.
Yes, because of my coming internship I write you this email.
I seek for an internship, which would match or has to do something with my interests.
I hope, you can help me further.
For my internship I would like to do something in the direction of pedagogic, education and/or spirituality. Such as outdoor/experience education, circus pedagogic, deep ecology. As well work for awareness and mindfulness. Maybe something in Buddhism or in spiritual elements. Maybe something with holistic basis. Maybe something in relation with the Nature. Maybe in a meditation-center for deaf. Do you know something of this for deaf people?
I want to do something and to learn for the future of our generation and for our after childrens
in a sign-language place or deaf-friendly place. There who signs a language. Just something
for deaf do-gooders. =)
If you have this for me or any idea or suggestion, I read!
Kind regards from Berlin,
postmassi at googlemail dot com
note from EcoDeaf: See his EcoDeaf Bio coming soon!