30 January 2012

Anna R. Schwartzbach

Humboldt County, CA

about me Hello there! My name is Anna and I am a deaf eco-advocate! Born and raised in the Bay Area, California, to hearing parents, I have always been a part of both the deaf and the hearing world and proud to be so. I hail to you today from the foggy coast of Humboldt County where I am currently finishing my graduate degree where I am studying the relationships between increasing gasoline prices and alternate transportation.

ecoskills Skills… Not so much skills but a general awareness of how my actions, the products I buy, and the food I consume influence the environment as well as the socio-economic impacts that also result from my actions. A semi-vegetarian, I make a large effort to only eat local, wild and organic food when it is affordable (college student during an economic recession, hello!). I do the usual: compost, recycle, reuse, the metallic Kleen Kanteen water bottle, the nerdy right pant-let-roll-up for biking, printing dual-sided on scratch paper for paper editing, using eco-font to reduce ink usage, making candlesticks out of wine bottles… all of that in a nutshell.

ecointerests have always had a huge interest in a LARGE variety of eco-related issues, specifically that of climate change, energy policy (especially in California) local agriculture development, slow/local food, and waste and energy reduction. I am also a biker, and in relation to my graduate research, I am also an advocate for all modes of alternate transportation and encouraging the reduction of local commuting via automobile! (You don’t need it! Don’t get a car-ass! Get out and enjoy the fresh air!).

contact aaschwarzbach at gmail dot com

I have always wondered if there are any organizations (preferably on the west coast) out there that focuses on any of these topics/issues and targets the D/HH community?? I am very interested in taking a similar concept of the EcoDeaf blog and applying it in local organizations and/or nonprofits! If you are a part of something like that and you are out there, please contact me!!!

03 January 2012

Marisa Soboleski


eco skills sustainable wildcrafting, birthwork, organic gardening/farming, cob and sustainable goods building, the three r's and repurposing, herbal healing, bartering and buying local/organic products

eco interests backpacking in the backcountry, rock climbing, sustainable agriculture, wild plants and food, homebirths and freebirths, yoga, land and forest restoration and preservation, raising earth-loving children, sustainability in mind/body/spirit and social interactions/exchange, and lots, lots more!

Contact marsiempre8 at gmail dot com