16 September 2008

Colleen Shaw - Deaf Reiki Master

Welcome!!! I would like to share with you about my little background and how I entered the world of holistic healing. I have worked in the field of education and mental health for 23 years, until an unexpected circumstances led me to change my career which I have discovered the wonderful world of Reiki. I truly had enjoyed a deep interest in the mysteries of the universe and the untapped inner powers. During the years, I have been practicing and learning about energetic healing techniques, metaphysics and spirituality through various training workshops and classes as the result of earning my certifications in Usui, Karuna, Lightarian, Kundailin, Shamballa Healing, Kundalini Gold Reiki - Reiki Master/Teacher and Healing with Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki I and II. Also, I have joined as a member of a professional organization, International Association of Reiki Professionals in which I have a certificate. Now, you ask what is Reiki?

Reiki is a natural healing method that heals at all levels: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. The word Reiki is a combination of two Japanese words: Rei and Ki. Rei means spiritual intelligence or supernatural force; Ki means life energy. In the Western world Reiki is mostly described as Universal life force energy. Reiki is practiced by people from all over the world and is being incorporated in hospitals, as well as in scientific research.

Let me offer an explanation of what is Reiki treatment like. The Reiki treatment is a simple but powerful process, big time! The healing energy is channeled by the Reiki practitioner and goes to the places in the body where healing is most needed. It is important to realize that these healing energies go to the source of the problem and not just the symptoms. Reiki treatments do not have negative side effects, it is a completely safe and natural way of treating disease.

Interested in learning more about Colleen and Reiki?  Click here to go to her website!  Colleen is Deaf and fluent in ASL.

1 comment:

  1. I Love you!!! You are the best!!!!
    Looking good sista!!!
