28 May 2008

Meghan Shannon

Northern Virginia and Amazon Region, Peru 

ayahuasca shaman apprentice/sign language interpreter

eco-skills   I'm not sure what my eco-skills are exactly. I buy local and organic produce, am trying to get the house out in peru on solar, I take zero Western meds, work with medicinal plants, sometimes am vegetarian and sometimes eat fresh-caught fish, I am also a spiritual life coach and reiki practitioner (not sure if that falls under eco-skills!)

eco-interest   natural health /alternative energy resources /spirituality /shamanism /reiki /yoga /meditation /traveling /cultures /quantum physics /metaphysics /real food /balance /solar energy /wind energy /fair trade /enlightenment

contact   meghanmshannon at gmail dot com


27 May 2008

EarthGirl pushing for a greener Gallaudet!

This film was created by a proud EcoDeaf member, Miss Jody Barrong, as a final project for one of her classes at Gallaudet University. Many thanks for your super-green powers! You inspire us!

24 May 2008

Visit "One Planet - Ours!"

One Planet - Ours!
Sustainability for the 22nd Century
at the
U.S. Botanic Gardens
Washington DC
Exhibit runs May 24 - October 13, 2008

Much more on the exhibit grounds: a large greenhouse with plant identification and medicinal properties, a center discussing Seattle, WA and their green initiative including permable roads and sidewalks, a hands on display of strawbale building - in action, more cool globes, a 'green' schoolyard, windturbines and more!

One Planet - Ours! site

List of Events for the One Planet - Ours! theme at US Botanic Gardens

Thanks to Shilpa for the tip!

23 May 2008

Wellness Workshops at Frederick, MD

Presenters: Beverly Hanyzewski - Hatha Yoga; Colleen Shaw - Energy Healing; Nancy Lewis - Personal Awareness; and Risa Lewis - Visionary Board.

When: Sunday June 8th, 2008 from 8:30 am to 4 pm

Where: Braddock Heights Community Center 4830 Schley Avenue Frederick, MD 21714

Cost: $75 for MDAD members, $85 for non-members before May 31st. After May 31st, $100 for members and non-members ---30 PEOPLE MAXIMUM---

Make check payable to MDAD and mail it to Barbara Ballard, 6130 Cornwell Terrace, Frederick, MD 21701

**Also included is an organic lunch catered by Doreen Moore, "Aunt Mabel's Sticky Buns", along with a commentary by Gail A. Mitchell-Gore**

Click on the flyer below for a larger version

-thanks to Beverly Hanyzewski for the tip

21 May 2008

A Green Antidote for good health!

This captioned movie/vlog was created by an Ecodeaf member. She and her father will show us how to make grass juice from rye grass growing in the wetlands of Florida.

Here are 7 reasons why grass juice is good for you.
1. Wheatgrass is an energizer for mind and body.
2. It's nutritious.
3. Wheatgrass builds the blood.
4. Wheatgrass cleanses the body.
5. It helps in weight control.
6. It may prevent osteoporosis.
7. Wheatgrass juice boosts the immune system.
Source from: www.myjuicer-reviews.com/Benefits_of_Wheatgrass_Juic.html

For more information about wheatgrass, you can check out www.dynamicgreens.com.

DISCLAIMER: Do not try this at home. Do research before you're serious about making your own wheatgrass from your own backyard. If you want to taste wheatgrass, you can find it in stores like Whole Foods or Trader Joe's (Odwalla juice).

14 May 2008

Chicago Green Festival 2008 AND Help COOP America get interpreters for 2009 Festivals!

WHEN: The weekend of May 17 - 18
WHERE: Navy Pier, Chicago, IL
WHAT: A two-day celebration of all things green: organics, recycling, renewable energy, Fair Trade, sweatshop-free clothing, socially/environmentally
responsible investing, energy efficiency, nontoxic products, progressive
speakers, and much more.

CLICK on the IMAGE below for more INFORMATION

What will be ASL-interpreted?

Main stage speakers on Saturday will be ASL-interpreted, including Mayor Daley, Amy Goodman, Thom Hartmann, Greg Palast, and more.
Select Sunday speakers will be ASL-interpreted, including Winona LaDuke and Diane Wilson, and individual "roaming" interpreters will be available (first-come, first-served) at the front of the hall.

Contact Andrew at andrew @ coopamerica.org for further information.

Also, if you are Deaf and have attended a previous Green Festival, please contact Andrew for more information about an easy way you can help us sustain and expand our ASL-interpretation services at future Green Festivals. A short letter from you about your experience at Green Festival could help us secure funding for more interpreters in the future.

11 May 2008

Anthony Brucato

Buffalo, NY

B.S. in Psychology, Rochester Institute of Technology, May 2002.
M.S. in School Counseling and M.S. in Mental Health Counseling, Canisius College, May 2008.

ecoskills Since the spring of 2007, I live at Plankton Co-op House with eleven housemates, sometimes more or less, right by Peace Bridge in Buffalo, NY. We share common rooms and take turns cooking dinner for the house. We host weekly vegan potluck dinner on Sunday evening. In every few months, we swap house chores and coopera
tive-related duties. I like to eat healthy food and exercise for the mind, body and soul. I would like to continue honing my environmental skills by learning new tips from eco-friendly people.

ecointerests Save earth/animals/ human rights/reuse items/thrifts/fair trades/ vegan recipes/natural medicine/ herbal teas& coffee/backyard gardening/backpacking/camping/hiking/walking/bonfires/snowboard/potluck dinner/drum circle/ASL circle/ read books/climb trees/mediation/yoga/spiritual & vision quests/learn about and embrace multi-cultures/travel/commute by bike/learn new eco-skills from others/etc.

contact naturalsignlanguage at gmail dot com

World Vegetarian Week

Are you a vegetarian? Are you interested in a vegetarian diet? Have you wanted to try meat-free eating but did not know where to start? 

The annual celebration of meat-free meals is right around the corner!

PETA's World Vegetarian Week
May 19-25

You can take the Pledge to be Veg for Seven Days and get resources about meat-free eating from various sites.  PETA is offering a "Vegetarian Starter Kit" which will help with the transition to a vegetarian diet.  Meal plans and Recipes abound!

If you are already a vegetarian, you can take a pledge to be a recruiter and ask your friends and family to join. 

For information check out  

~ and ~ 

and Johnny Rockets is even helping out! 

05 May 2008

Volunteering at eco-events...

Remember seeing the vlog about volunteers at DC's Green Festival ("Deaf Faces at Green Festival")?

Do you want to volunteer at similar events?  

Be on the lookout for events in your area -- volunteer registration closes well before the event begins.  Join their mailing list to be in the know about volunteer opportunities. 

If you're interested in volunteering at future Green Festivals, send an e-mail to 
volunteer @ greenfestivals (d0t) org.

for those of you in the Chicago area: 
Chicago's Green Festival is on May 17th and 18th! 

(photo credit: www.handspeak.com)

01 May 2008

Eco Food Websites

With perfect timing after the Earth Day vlog on Gallaudet Cafeteria's low-carbon servings, Brian shares...

Sustainable Table
- read about community building through food, sustainable kitchen recipes, education/teacher resources, and many more!

- find wholesome and sustainable food in the US and Canada and read the Green Fork Blog, one of the many blogrolls on this site.