30 January 2010

Recycle 3D Glasses

At theaters people use 3D Glasses to watch special effect movies like Avatar and Alice in Wonderland. More movie theaters are placing recycle bins (like the picture above) in the hallway for people to recycle their 3D glasses after they are finished with their movies.

Why Recycle 3D Glasses?
  • Special 3D glasses work with certain movies at theaters and it will not work with TVs and computers at home.
  • Saving 3D glasses for the next 3D movie will not get you a discount.
  • You will still have to pay the "fee" for the 3D glasses. Even it cost extra to see a 3D movie, there is a good chance that your 3D glasses will not work with newer movies due to the improvement of 3D glasses.
  • Reduce the junk pile at home by recycling 3D glasses so movie goers will reuse them.
  • Dark 3D glasses are not sunglasses and it will not protect your eyes from ultraviolet sun rays.

If you cannot find a recycle bin to toss out your 3D glasses after the movie, see the manager and recommend their movie theater to go green. Then mail your 3D glasses to this address:

100 North Crescent Dr., Suite 120
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Read this interesting blog written by Beth Terry
Avatar in 3D: What About the Plastic Glasses?
Thank you Keri for sharing the blog with EcoDeaf.


Recycle Avatar 3D Glasses
by easyecoblog.

Permission was granted to use the image of 3D Glasses Recycle Bin copied from
Fake Plastic Fish.

26 January 2010

Anthony talks about Avatar and Environmental Issues

Anthony explores the relationship between the fictional movie Avatar (2009) and real life environmental issues. He gives three examples of how economic expansions destroy cultures and lands around the world.

Please share your comments.


18 January 2010

Raychelle Prepares Her Garden

Raychelle shows her very first compost from her fruit, veggie, eggshell, coffee grinds, tea bags leftover through the year, mixed in with leaves and hay. Considering this is her first batch, any tips from composters and gardeners out there will be very much appreciated!

15 January 2010

Nature's Gate Shampoo & Conditioner

Do you remember these products? Heavenly scent and works beautifully.

The formula for these products changed in 2006 to something commonplace.

Its a sad story, but very common. Ownership of the company changed hands, so things that did not need changing were changed.

Does anyone have any recommendations for natural shampoo and conditioner similar to what Nature's Gate offered before they were sold?

01 January 2010

Great Way to Start off the Year, Washington DC!

D.C. First to Impose Fee to Use Disposable Plastic, Paper Bags

Washington, D.C. Consumers Forced to Go Green or Pay 5 Cents Per Bag

District of Columbia becomes to impose a surcharge on disposable paper and plastic bags

A man leaves with a bag of groceries in a plastic bag made of recyclable material at the Nature Shop on this file photo in San Francisco, California. Starting today, the District of Columbia becomes the first in the nation to impose a surcharge on disposable paper and plastic bags commonly used at grocery and retail stores everywhere.
(David Paul Morris/Getty Images)

Residents and visitors to the nation's capital are about to find new meaning in what it means to "go green." Customers who tote their food or liquor purchases home in the ubiquitous bags will now be required to pay 5 cents for each one they use. The fees will go to a fund for cleaning up the city's Anacostia River. Starting today, the District of Columbia becomes the first major city in the nation to impose a surcharge on disposable paper and plastic bags commonly used at grocery and retail stores everywhere.

"I signed this law in July to cut down on the disposable bags that foul our waterways," D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty said last month. "We want everyone to know that you can save the river, and 5 cents, if you bring your own reusable bag to the store instead."

Many retailers are expected to offer a credit to customers who bring their own bags. Grocer Whole Foods, for example, already gives shoppers a nickel for each bag they bring in and has discontinued use of plastic bags.

While the District's bag tax law is the first of its kind, other states and municipalities have imposed outright bans on plastic bags or mandated that retailers collect them for recycling.

San Francisco, Calif., became the first U.S. city to impose an outright ban on plastic bags in 2007, and Oakland and Malibu soon followed suit. In June 2009, the North Carolina legislature banned their use in the Outer Banks.

China banned plastic bags in January 2008 and Bangladesh has outlawed them since 2002, which might come as a surprise, given that neither country is known for its progressive environmental policies.