Ever heard of eco-scrapbooking? It's a hobby of mine, as well as other eco-scrapbookers. Growing up, I'd often go to my Grandma's huge bookshelf full of photo scrapbooks and look at the years that have passed. You learn so much history, so much about your family through just looking at the photos.
I'm also a paper pack-rat, saving everything from program books to holiday cards to souvenirs. I hate throwing things away, knowing I could use them- to refresh my memories.
So I put them all in a scrapbook. My definition of a Eco-Scrapbook is putting everything you already have together. I reuse a lot of my late Grandmother's scrapbook paper, magazines that my friends don't want, and put them all in use. I haven't gone to any art or scrapbook stores to purchase anything (I just go in them to look for some ideas)...
It's not that hard- all you need to do is be creative. Maybe if you're a pack rat, like me, it's easier.
Well, have a look at some of my Eco-scrapbook pages!
To read more about Eco-Scrapbooking, look at this neat blog.