18 November 2009

"Going Green": How is it conveyed in ASL?

----> GOING GREEN  <----

Larry Gray posits an interesting question in his vlog, creating space to discuss how we convey the idea of "going green" in ASL.  

He writes: 
This particular vlog inquires about the sign, GREEN, which is generally understood for the color.  However, we have used it to also mean being environmentally-conscious.  I pose a question which I'm sure the Deaf community would like to discuss.

Let us know what you think! 

10 November 2009

Freecycle Your Stuff!

OFFER stuff thats been sitting in your attic for too many years.  Post a WANTED ad for materials that you need for your art project.  RECEIVE or TAKE stuff off other people's hands.  Keep trash out of landfills, free up space in your storage area, and save $$.  It doesn't get better than FREECYCLE.  Check their website for freecycle listservs in your area.  www.freecycle.org

Just for Babies

I found this cool baby teether at Whole Foods the other day.. made of corn starch, biodegradable and best of all- no weird chemicals!

05 November 2009

Yoga Classes in NYC... offered in ASL!

For those who live in or near the NYC area and are interested in Iyengar yoga, there are several Yoga classes offered in ASL. Jen Kagan, a certified Iyengar teacher, who teaches in ASL explains about the method that she teaches: "We learn most through visual access therefore all poses and actions are demonstrated and sequenced in such a way that students gain better understanding of themselves."

YOGA CLASSES are offered on:
Mondays 6-7:15
@ Three Jewels, Union Square

Wed 6-7:30
@ La Guardia Community College

There are some video descriptions of yoga and recent photos of ASL Yoga Retreat on her website (Click on the Yoga in ASL links).
Thanks to Jen Kagan for informing EcoDeaf about this!


Photos from jenkagan.net.

02 November 2009

Article: I Live Without Cash – And I Manage Just Fine.

"Armed with a caravan, solar laptop and toothpaste made from washed-up cuttlefish bones, Mark Boyle gave up using cash."
Read more here

you give up cash and live in the wild?

Read the article, share comments, and discuss!