03 January 2008

Eco-conscious and DO-IT-YOURSELF! Websites

an EcoDeaf reader has shared this smorgasbord of websites that may interest us...
"The reason I like to make my own things is because it helps reduce waste. One may not think buying 1 plastic ketchup bottle is bad for the environment because 500 other people are doing the same thing, therefore 500 plastic ketchup bottles end up either in the landfill or in a recycling box (remember, it takes a lot of energy to recycle.) So why not make your own ketchup? Same thing goes for deodorant, laundry detergent, toothpaste, etc. Instead of buying plastic razors then throwing them out once they turn dull, why not splurge on a nice straight razor you will keep forever? Another thing that drives me batty is seeing people pick up their dog waste with a plastic bag. Where does that plastic bag end up? In a landfill somewhere, of course! Why not make your own dog compost?

Its important for people to realize how much waste they generate and if they made more of their own things, there will be less waste and less support for major corporations (many of them are not eco-friendly.) The fun thing in all this is you have control over what you put in whatever you're making and you save money!"


1001 uses for Vinegar: http://www.vinegartips.com/
Campaign for Safe Cosmetics: http://www.safecosmetics.org/companies/signers.cfm
Make your own toothpaste: http://www.glenbrookfarm.com/make_your_own_toothpaste.htm
Organic Gardening: http://www.organicgardening.com/
Homemade Cleaners: http://www.mormonchic.com/dealdiva/homemade_cleaners.asp
The Vinegar Institute: http://www.versatilevinegar.org/
Homemade Laundry Detergent: http://www.virtuowl.com/soda%20page%20a.htm
Reusable Bags: http://www.reusablebags.com/
Dog Waste Composter: http://www.plantea.com/dog-waste-compost.htm
Cinnamon Oil Kills Mosquitoes: http://www.ecomall.com/greenshopping/cinnamonoil.htm
Natural Cosmetics: http://allnaturalcosmetics.com/index.php
Make your own things: http://www.make-stuff.com/formulas/index.htmlRecycled Glass products: http://www.greenglass.com/
How to use a straight razor: http://www.motherearthnews.com/DIY/1972-03-01/How-To-Use-A-Straight-Razor.aspx
Bright your teeth naturally: http://www.carefair.com/skincare/Naturally_Brighten_Teeth_1777.html
Make your own bath powder: http://www.make-stuff.com/formulas/powder.html
Natural Hair Care: http://aubrey-organics.com/
Facts about Plastic: http://www.watoxics.org/homes-and-gardens/fastfacts/fastfacts-pvc
Make your own pads: http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=18462.0
How safe are your cosmetics: http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/splash.php?URI=%2Findex.php
Green Tips: http://www.thegreenguide.com/
Say no to plastic bags: http://www.noplasticbags.org.au/home/default.aspx
To-Go Ware: http://www.to-goware.com/store/cart.php
Green Home Living: http://www.greenhome.com/info/magazine/001/howtoxic.html
Non-Disposable Homestead Life: http://www.manytracks.com/Homesteading/Disposables.htm
Composting 101: http://www.composting101.com/
Menstrual Cup: http://www.keeper.com/
Diva Cup: http://www.divacup.com/
Green Home Building: http://www.greenhomebuilding.com/cob.htm
Stainless Steel Water Bottles: http://www.kleankanteen.com/2products/klean-kanteen-27oz.html
Make your own ketchup: http://www.pickyourown.org/ketchup.htm
Green Home: http://www.greenhome.com/
Organic Skin products: http://www.lavera.com/products.php?p=products&parent=1000014
Homemade Diaper Wipes: http://www.grizzlybird.net/2006/05/natural-homemade-diaper-wipes.html
Make your own deodorant: http://community.livejournal.com/naturalliving/2654454.html
iGo Green (iVillage): http://www.ivillage.com/green?nlcid=pb|06-25-2007|


  1. Hi there,

    Loved the spunk emitted in your e mail. Nonetheless, I had to frown about the dog compost remark. From my understanding, dog compost is a no-no for gardening. Can you verify? Are there articles that support dog poop compost in lovely gardens growing fruits and vegetables that we will eventually eat?


  2. I bought a dog compost only to return it because my yard is not big enough. But, I will use it one day! :) Check the link below for dog compost.


    This kind of compost, from what I understand, is not for the purpose to be used for garden but to help poop to decompose.

    In response to this blog about picking up poop, in Fall and Winter, I would use leaves I find laying around to pick up my dogs' poop. Other seasons where leaves aren't found, I use litter to pick up dog poop and I am helping keep the environment clean :) This allows me to avoid using plastic bag. Other option is bring recycleable toilet paper (I use Marcal) to pick up your dog poop.

    If you have a house with big yard, I would suggest you to get a dog compost and it will break down into liquid over time if you follow the instruction.

  3. i walked with my certified assistance dog to public anywhere. it is easy for me to use biodegradable dog poop bags (made of corn). leaves might work for small dog but not sure about medium to large dog size.

    thank for linking about dog compost. i should get one myself. i am not sure about using recycleable toilet paper to carry the dog poop to my backyard from the park about three blocks away. toilet paper is not waterproof. is biodegradable dog poop bag a good idea?

  4. You could buy one of those 'poop scoops' to pick up the dog poop
