22 March 2008

Standing Women Gathering


"We will be standing for the world's children and grandchildren, and for the seven generations beyond them.  We dream of a world where all of our children have safe drinking water, clean air to breathe, and enough food to eat..." 

People will be standing in silence, in solidarity, at 1:00 PM, on May 11, 2008 for five minutes in agreement to the statement above.  During this time, you are encouraged to think about what you can do to put this statement into action. 

There is a story on www.standingwomen.org about how this started and a YouTube video of Standing Women gatherings around the world. 

-contributed by an EcoDeaf reader

1 comment:

  1. and we should dream that we live with no fear. we should not be encouraged to get implants because of fear,
