08 April 2009

Honoring Mother Earth, Cherishing Our Future

Thus was the theme of the Deaf Women of New England (DWNE) 2008 Conference held in Burlington, VT from November 14 to November 16th.

Women from New England convened that weekend for what Keri Ogrizovich, the organizer, had designed to be an eco-friendly conference. Amidst recycled paper, beverage glasses that were reused, and vegetarian meals, the women in attendance reunited with old friends, met new people, and had lively conversations throughout the event.

After the interactive Keynote presentation about old growth forests and the analogy between old growth forests and women, the rest of the weekend was filled with a range of interesting presentations. The presentations topics ranged from spirituality to going green, and from vegetarianism to alcoholism, with an hands-on aromatherapy workshop to wrap it all up.

Check out the DWNE 2008 conference website to learn about the green efforts and the presenters who were there. The presentations also have powerpoints for you to look through!

Keri's vlog below describes the conference and how it was a "green" conference in the Green State of Vermont.


  1. hey earth lover, thanks so much for recycling old clothes into bags also anything else it is called recycled clothes thanks so much for sharing your brilliant ideas and being sensitive

    earthly yours,
    deaf moon

  2. Well done v-log! Thank you for sharing what you have learned from the conference in Vermont.

    I totally agree with you about the Power Point Presentation papers. I attend conferences regularly due to my job and I always get chunks of papers. I think it is a much better idea to post the power presentation materials on the website.

    Also, I have the pet peeve with handing out styrofoam coffee cups at conferences. I don't know if it is only New York state that still allows it, I feel Styrofoam cups should have been banned a long long long time ago.


  3. wow, 110 bags made from reused cloth?! i'm so inspired and impressed. i agree totally- most of the stuff i get at conferences are totally useless (silly trinkets). when i arrive to register, i tend to take things out of the bag, give them a quick look over, and take what i need and return the rest to the registration booth. they often will reuse or put the things in other bags. hopefully that will teach them to try cutting down and keeping things simple. thanks keri, for sharing!

  4. Thanks, everyone, for your comments! Keep the love for Mother Earth going! =D
