22 December 2009

Eco-lunches for kids!

Instead of using disposable plastic ziploc bags that leach chemicals and last forever in the landfill, consider switching to an eco-lunch for yourself and your children! This is what an ecodeaf reader uses for herself and her family- Lunch bag made from recycled plastic bottles, aluminum boxes for meals such as pasta, etc. Aluminum bottle for water (avoid plastic containers or juice boxes!). Cloth napkins and cloth placemats, washable and use again, and again! Lunch skins for PBJs and carrots or grapes.

Why not juice boxes? Many of them, even organic ones, contain sugar which you or your children do not need. Water is the best! Let them eat whole fruits instead of juice.

20 December 2009

Infinite Light: Interpreter Position Available

Interpreter Position Available at Infinite Light
(Ayahuasca Shamanic Healing, Deaf-Friendly) Summer 2010

Hey guys, we have an amazing opportunity for an ASL interpreter who is interested in a potentially life-changing experience!

Who we are looking for:

Our intention is to bring in an interpreter who is also interested in working with the Shamanic Ayahuasca Medicine themselves (during the actual healing ceremonies, the interpreters are not working and are able to have their own experience). The first step would be to visit the Infinite Light website and read through it, including the article 'What is Ayahuasca Really' on the front page, as well as watching the YouTube video linked to the site. If the interpreter has a personal draw towards this kind of work, the energetic match is much better. Being in a small village, the interpreter needs to be a relatively laid-back, flexible person, who is willing to step out of their comfort zone and experience a whole other world.


Location: Jenaro Herrera, small village outside of Iquitos, Peru (Amazon region)
Dates (to be in Peru): May 15th - August 4th, 2010
Compensation: Airfare covered, even trade on participation of six Infinite Light programs ($2500 value), food stipend for in-between group stay in the village
Interpreting Expectations: During each 10-day group session (with five days off in between each) the interpreters will be supporting communication during set meeting times (no more than one per day) and available for chatting between the Deaf and hearing group members as needed. During the first two groups, there will be only one Deaf person (a return guest who is very self-sufficient) and the final four groups at least three (or more) Deaf (plus a co interpreter, and a third for backup).

If you or someone you know is interested or would like more information after going through the website www.infinitelightperu.com), please contact Meghan at infinitelightperu@gmail.com (feel free to forward this email appropriately). Also any Deaf who are interested in attending the program, contact us as well. This work can change lives:)

The Beautiful Blogger Award

1) Thank the person who nominated me for this award.

2) Copy the award and place it on my blog.

3) Link to the person who nominated me for this award.

4) Tell us seven interesting things about yourself.

5) Nominate seven bloggers.

6) Post links to the seven blogs I nominate.

Thank you to Kim from Face me, I Read Lips for nominating us the beautiful blogger award. We are flattered and feeling eco-preciated for making positive environmental impacts on our planet Earth and in peoples' lives.

The Seven Interesting Facts about EcoDeaf

1) EcoDeaf is a community-based blog for everyone and written/vlogged by YOU!

2) EcoDeaf was founded in 2007 by Raychelle Harris, Shira Grabelsky, and Summer Crider.

3) We currently have eight writers on board. The regular contributors are Raychelle Harris, Shira Grabelsky, Summer Crider, and Anthony Brucato and the people who have volunteered their time for EcoDeaf are Alynn, Rhea, P, and Deaf258. If you're interested in writing for EcoDeaf, please send us an email at ecodeaf@gmail.com to express your interest and we'll get you on board. All you need is a Gmail account to join!

4) Approximately half of the post ideas on Ecodeaf are actually reader submissions via email. If you see or read something you think should be posted on Ecodeaf, write up something about it with sources provided then e-mail it over to ecodeaf@gmail.com .

5) EcoDeaf was mentioned in the NADmag in the July-August 2008 Vol. 8 No. 4 issue!

6) In the month of November 15 - December 15, we've had 2,483 visits. Of those visitors, 43% find us through search engines. 34% from referring sites, and Deafread tops the list with 20%! And 22% from direct traffic!

7) Our EcoDeaf visitors are primarily from USA and Canada but we have visitors from around the globe! California wins with the most visits, New York comes in second, Pennsylvania in third, DC in fourth, and Maryland in 5th. Curious for more? Washington State came in sixth, Texas in seventh, Florida in eighth, Massachusetts in ninth, and New Mexico in tenth.

Bonus: Our most popular post for this month was "Breast is Best" with 271 hits!

The Seven Blog sites that
EcoDeaf Nominates for the Beautiful Blogger Award!

In no particular order, they are:

Jenny Miers Henry at Mountain Momma for sharing her life stories and experiences as well as her concerns over different environmental issues.

Sharon Duchesneau and Candace Mccullough at Alternative Solutions Center for the Deaf for publishing excellent thought-provoking, insightful blogs and vlogs for the Deaf community.

3) Katherine Feldmann at Deaf Animals for promoting awareness of deaf animals' existences as well as share information and resources.

4) Sina McCarthy and Judi Fruge at Deaf Natural Living Newsletter for sharing different topics on natural living and raw food diets.

5) May Wille at Soothing Waves for providing services and sharing information on different massaging, healing techniques and raw food recipes and tips.

6) Rev. Jill Lestina at Change Your Thinking, Shift Your Perception, And the World Will Change for sharing many useful tips, advises, and suggestions through v-logs on how to turn your life around and appreciate the world!

7) Rachel Benedict, Leala Holcomb, and Clara Baldwin at Green Gallaudet for making Gallaudet a greener campus by raising awarenesses, setting up events, and sharing important environmental issues with Gally students and staff. Gallaudet is going greener and greener every year!

*Hands Waving To Everyone For Your Eco-Participation*


16 December 2009

Take the Plunge!

It's that time of the year again!
You can get cold to keep winter cold for years to come!

Take the Polar Bear Plunge to fight global warming.

polar plunge: return home

There is one planned for the Chesapeake Bay, MD area on January 23, 2010.
Go to http://www.keepwintercold.org to read more about this project, find a plunge near you, or to organize one!

If you organize or take part in a plunge, be sure to post here so others can join as well!

See the links below to read about EcoDeaf taking part in Polar Plunges of years past!

Plunges from 2007:
Into Icy Waters We Went
Brave EcoDeaf members jump into Chesapeake Bay

Information about 2009's Plunge:
Take Polar Bear Plunge

11 December 2009

Vegetarian / Leather-free Shoes

Not all shoes are made equal.
Natalie Portman vegan shoes, Te Casan, shoes, Natalie Portman sustainable style, Natalalie portman eco-leather, Natalie Portman faux-leather, Natalie Portman faux-suade, Natalie Portman eco-chic shoes, Natalie Portman Pippa Shoes, Natalie Portman Petra Shoes, Natalie Portman Paine sandals, natalieveganshoes1.jpg

In the image above, Natalie Portman is shown wearing a vegan shoes from her Natalie Portman Collection shoe line.
(image from http://www.inhabitat.com/2008/04/13/natalie-portman-vegan-shoes/)

Wearing your beliefs on your feet is quite a statement.

A reader submitted this About.com site that gives a list of where you can buy non-animal products footwear. There are vegan shoes for everyone in the family and not all vegan shoes are canvas-like.

05 December 2009

Deaf Breastfeeding Symbol Found in Various Places

Earlier, there was a post on EcoDeaf about Breast is Best, which shared that Matt Daigle, a Deaf man, designed the now international symbol for breastfeeding.

I read that post, and then the very next day, I went to a DC coffeeshop on H street Northeast, and saw a thick stack of postcards with Daigle's Breastfeeding symbol and some information about DC laws related to breast feeding! Here are the photos:

Where else have you seen Daigle's symbol?

04 December 2009


Remember the Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of Richard Nixon from the White House seat during the 1970s? Now, due to the leak of e-mails from the University of East Anglia, some people are saying similar things about lies, frauds, and selfish motivations behind Global Warming. Is Global Warming real? Are certain scientists pushing the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) myth?

Read the articles:

1) Science, facts, fraud, and "Climategate" written by Edmond Jenks


2) Climategate? What Climategate? written by John Fund.

Edmond Jenks believes that certain affluent scientists, politicians, and people of interests are involved in the scandal by saying Global Warming is real while it is not at all. John Fund investigated there might be a worldwide conspiracy going on under our nose to exaggerate the effects of Global Warming. Countless of news articles on Climategate are emerging and the Climategate debate is not going away anytime soon.

The question is Global Warming real? Perhaps instead of debating about whether Global Warming is real or a stack of myths, shouldn't we all share responsibilities in reducing our environmental impacts as much as we can?

Share comments and discuss!

01 December 2009

Breast is Best!

Did you know that the international breastfeeding symbol was designed by a deaf person? Matt Daigle created this icon which is now used worldwide.

Theres even a facebook group for deaf breastfeeding moms as well for information and support.  

18 November 2009

"Going Green": How is it conveyed in ASL?

----> GOING GREEN  <----

Larry Gray posits an interesting question in his vlog, creating space to discuss how we convey the idea of "going green" in ASL.  

He writes: 
This particular vlog inquires about the sign, GREEN, which is generally understood for the color.  However, we have used it to also mean being environmentally-conscious.  I pose a question which I'm sure the Deaf community would like to discuss.

Let us know what you think! 

10 November 2009

Freecycle Your Stuff!

OFFER stuff thats been sitting in your attic for too many years.  Post a WANTED ad for materials that you need for your art project.  RECEIVE or TAKE stuff off other people's hands.  Keep trash out of landfills, free up space in your storage area, and save $$.  It doesn't get better than FREECYCLE.  Check their website for freecycle listservs in your area.  www.freecycle.org

Just for Babies

I found this cool baby teether at Whole Foods the other day.. made of corn starch, biodegradable and best of all- no weird chemicals!

05 November 2009

Yoga Classes in NYC... offered in ASL!

For those who live in or near the NYC area and are interested in Iyengar yoga, there are several Yoga classes offered in ASL. Jen Kagan, a certified Iyengar teacher, who teaches in ASL explains about the method that she teaches: "We learn most through visual access therefore all poses and actions are demonstrated and sequenced in such a way that students gain better understanding of themselves."

YOGA CLASSES are offered on:
Mondays 6-7:15
@ Three Jewels, Union Square

Wed 6-7:30
@ La Guardia Community College

There are some video descriptions of yoga and recent photos of ASL Yoga Retreat on her website (Click on the Yoga in ASL links).
Thanks to Jen Kagan for informing EcoDeaf about this!


Photos from jenkagan.net.

02 November 2009

Article: I Live Without Cash – And I Manage Just Fine.

"Armed with a caravan, solar laptop and toothpaste made from washed-up cuttlefish bones, Mark Boyle gave up using cash."
Read more here

you give up cash and live in the wild?

Read the article, share comments, and discuss!

20 October 2009

Less Waste to Zero Waste

New York Times, October 20, 2009

At Yellowstone National Park, the clear soda cups and white utensils are not your typical cafe-counter garbage. Made of plant-based plastics, they dissolve magically when heated for more than a few minutes.

At Ecco, a popular restaurant in Atlanta, waiters no longer scrape food scraps into the trash bin. Uneaten morsels are dumped into five-gallon pails and taken to a compost heap out back.

And at eight of its North American plants, Honda is recycling so diligently that the factories have gotten rid of their trash Dumpsters altogether.

Across the nation, an antigarbage strategy known as “zero waste” is moving from the fringes to the mainstream, taking hold in school cafeterias, national parks, restaurants, stadiums and corporations.

The movement is simple in concept if not always in execution: Produce less waste. Shun polystyrene foam containers or any other packaging that is not biodegradable. Recycle or compost whatever you can.

Though born of idealism, the zero-waste philosophy is now propelled by sobering realities, like the growing difficulty of securing permits for new landfills and an awareness that organic decay in landfills releases methane that helps warm the earth’s atmosphere.

“Nobody wants a landfill sited anywhere near them, including in rural areas,” said Jon D. Johnston, a materials management branch chief for the Environmental Protection Agencywho is helping to lead the zero-waste movement in the Southeast. “We’ve come to this realization that landfill is valuable and we can’t bury things that don’t need to be buried.”

For the full article, click here.

10 October 2009

Becoming an eco-conscious ASL Teacher

One of the best things about ASL in the academic environment is that it requires less paper. Becoming an ASL teacher has helped me realize how eco-friendly this type of class can become...

By using ASL in the classroom...

-We reduce the use of paper and ink...
-We reduce noise pollution...
-We bring a sense of community with our ASL stories...
-And... we can use the language to bring knowledge about ecosystem and ecological conservatism to our future generations. Earlier this year, for example, the Gallaudet National Essay, Art, and ASL contest theme was "Going Green: What I'm Doing to Help Save the Environment" and deaf students from all over the nation participated in the ASL contest, signing their eco-messages.

Since becoming an ASL teacher, I've discovered that it is pretty easy to modify the classroom and teaching environment into a eco-one. Here are some examples of what I've done:

Instead of copying papers or printing text to give to students, I have them read their instructions on the projector screen and answer in ASL.
Instead of giving paper quizzes, I have them sign the answers (which I think makes them think constructively and remember more) on VoiceThread, a web-based interactive classroom where students comments are recorded into video through their iSight/webcam on their Macbook.
Most of the classroom decorations were gathered from other classroom's discarded pile of last year's decorations. My hallway passes are laminated so students use it over and over.
And the paper ones I must use, I reuse as scrap paper.
If I must print, I figure out how to double-side print things.
And, I try to bike to work everyday... being an eco-conscious and health-conscious role model for the students and staff. Many of my students have told me they thought it was "super cool" that I biked to work, which boosted my eco-ego. I love how eco-supportive our young generation is.

But... We also live in a world that's becoming more and more dominated by technology- I cringe just thinking about the amount of energy that my projector use to operate. The lights that we use in the classroom. The TV we use to watch ASL videos. The student's laptops. But I remind myself that these laptops are made by the eco-conscious Apple, and can be recycled into new ones. Can't always win with everything, but at least I try to use less energy.

And, the coolest thing?
A teacher found my email address through the EcoDeaf bio/profiles and encouraged me to apply for this job-- had EcoDeaf not existed, I would probably not have been so lucky to get a job like this one. Not only has EcoDeaf served as an information center for the ASL community, it brings people of similiar interests many opportunities!
Thank you, EcoDeaf!

07 October 2009

One World, Two Hands

Found this fabulous ASL song about our Earth on YouTube -
ASL Signer: Jesse Jones III
Background Signers: Julie Fisher & Bethany Hooten
English to ASL translation: Bethany Hooten
Camera Operator/Editor: Eric Calbert

06 October 2009

New Pizza Box

Pizza Box of the Future

Remember Raychelle's November 2007 vlog about bringing her own pan when picking up pizza orders? Pizza Goes in Pans not Boxes!

Thanks to Vee Koz, we see that there is another way to reduce waste when eating pizza!

Pizza Box of the Future

Pizza Box Of The Future
Introducing an environmentally friendly pizza box. Do you think this will ever catch on in the USA? I don't think so!

Regular Beef or Organic Beef?

Any thoughts on this "Growth Hormone Free Beef" commercial? I'm just thankful I'm a vegetarian :) But yes, that's how cattle, chickens, pigs, are treated - with growth hormones - capitalism at it's best.

Title: Birth
Director: Jeff Aron Lable
Production Company: Go Film
Contact: jlable@gmail.com
Producer: Marcus Cano
Director of Photography: Damian Acevedo
Client/Product: Naturalmarket.com/Hormone-free beef

02 October 2009

My First Experience in Foraging for Edible Mushrooms

Unidentified Mushrooms
Exploring the mushroom pile.

On Wednesday afternoon of September 30th 2009, it was my very first experience foraging for edible mushrooms with a friend who has experience in identifying different fungi. On the night before our mushroom hunt, my friend Potter gave me a batch of hen of the woods mushrooms (Grifola frondosa) also known as maitake to bring home and cook for dinner.

My very first question was, "How do you know if this mushroom is not poison?" Potter assured me that maitake mushrooms are not poison. He showed me the the information in the book entitled The Mushroom Book : How to Identify, Gather and Cook Wild Mushrooms and Other Fungi written by Thomas Laessoe, Anne Del Conte, and Gary Lincoff.

So, I went home and cooked maitake mushrooms.

I battered maitake mushrooms in olive oil, salt, and a lot of pepper.

I prepared food for stir fry: Cabbage, hot pepper, green pepper, onion, ginger, and fried maitake mushrooms. I wish I had some fresh garlic cloves at that time.

This is what my dinner looked like after I finished cooking it.
It was so delicious!

After I cooked and ate wild maitake mushrooms discovered by Potter, I felt the spirits of ancestors awakening within me. It was the new sense of connection with Earth that I never felt before. I looked forward to foraging for edible mushrooms.

In the next day, I picked up Potter and we went to the Forest Lawn Cemetery and Richardson Complex in the city of Buffalo. The Forest Lawn Cemetery is a famous graveyard site in Western New York. A well known singer named Ricky James is buried there. Tourists from around the world visit the Forest Lawn to see his tombstone. The Forest Lawn Cemetery is known as the "old soil" which means their ground is virtually untouched for hundreds of years. We gathered some thyme from the ground while we hunted for mushrooms. We found maitake mushrooms, the same kind that I cooked on the night before, growing next to an oak tree. Potter was delighted that it weighed about five pounds. We put it in a bag and hunted for more mushrooms. We found several more mushrooms at the Forest Lawn Cemetery.

Then we went to the Richardson Complex ground that is not too far away from the cemetery. Richardson Complex is an abandoned "asylum for the insane" located right by Buffalo Psychiatric Center and Buffalo State College. Again, the ground around the buildings is very old so mushrooms are found everywhere. We gathered a few more mushrooms there. I also saw a ginkgo tree for the first time. I was really astonished when I saw a ginkgo tree growing in Buffalo because I thought they only grow in the land of China. I was told that Ginkgo fruits can be harvested in the beginning of the winter season. We foraged for mushrooms in the total of two and a half hours. I was really amazed to see how many mushrooms we found in such a little time. Potter brought home many mushrooms that we gathered to be studied and identified in his lab.

Here is a couple pictures of different mushrooms below. Some of the mushrooms in this post are not yet identified by Potter. Once I learn the names of the unidentified mushrooms, I will come back to this post and name them.

Hen of the Woods (Maitake) Mushrooms.
Found at the Forest Lawn Cementary

Unidentitifed mushrooms
Found at the Richardson Complex site.

Disclaimers and Warnings:

If you do not have an experience in foraging for edible mushrooms, please do not attempt to eat any of it until you consult a mushroom expert. Some mushrooms are poisonous that can make you very sick, hallucinate, or die from eating it.

If you are very interested in foraging for edible mushrooms, please find a mushroom expert in your area to go on a few field trips together before going on your own. Most mushroom experts do spore testings and rely on books for references to identify their fungi before consuming them. On the other hand, if you are planning not to consume any wild mushrooms, it is fun to drift around to discover mushroom piles and take pictures of them. It is a fun hobby to get down to Earth and appreciate what the nature has to offer.

I am very interested to hear about your experience in foraging for wild mushrooms if you have a tale to share.


Written by Anthony Brucato

21 September 2009

Cruelty Doesn't Fly!

Wearing a pair of leather shoes? Got the animal fur coat on? Holding a purse made out of snake skins? You might want to think twice about what you are doing to the animals and our environment before you buy more leather and fur products.

Why leather products are bad for the environment?
Read Leather and Environmental Issues

How not to buy leather products?
Read the Buyer Guide on not buying leather

Still not convinced?
Read Eight Reasons To Say No to Leather

Thank you
, Green Living Tips, Environmental Defense, and GenGreenLife
for posting the outstanding video and articles on the internet!!

Thank you Kenny for sharing the video and Katherine for sharing the articles with us. Your contributions are greatly appreciated. By the way, if any of you out there have interesting videos or articles to share, please send an e-mail to us and we'll put it up. It's nice to receive supports and tips from the community when the EcoDeaf staff and contributors are busy with work and school.


15 September 2009

The Social Life of Chickens

When you look at a group of chickens at the farm, what do you see about them? Are chickens "impassive by nature" or do they have social life like human beings? Do chickens develop their self-identity, personality, and behaviors?

Karen Davis, PhD and her chickens

After reading Karen Davis's article, does it make you wonder about how chickens are treated and killed for food? Do meat eaters regard chickens as inferiors compared to other animals because it seems they are brainless birds clucking around with nothing else better to do. If people stop putting chickens in small cages to be slaughtered for food, would more people realize chickens have personalities and social behaviors like human beings?

Would it be better for the environment if human beings develop symbiotic relationship with chickens? Would less chickens be killed for food? What can we benefit from raising chickens not just only for food? Read Robin Ripley's Eight Benefits of Raising Backyard Chickens.

Robin Ripley even agrees with Karen Davis that every chicken has a personality. What about you? Feel free to leave a comment.

Thank you Katherine for sharing Karen Davis's article with us.

31 August 2009

Are Cruises Eco-Friendly?

I try to be as eco-conscious about my decisions as much as possible.... when offered to go on a 9-day cruise in the Caribbean, I hesitantly accepted, wondering about the ramifications of that kind of travel on the environment.

We stayed on Royal Caribbean's Explorer of the Seas boat. The huge boat is 9 years old, weights 137 tons, is 1,000 feet long, and 137 feet wide. It holds 3,840 guests, and 1,214 workers. The boat cruises at an average of 25 mph. The boat sails constantly with new groups of guests constantly, all year long. Imagine a moving city/hotel that holds 5,000 people every week of the year = 270,000 people x 9 years = 2,430,000 million people.

Boy, was I pleasantly surprised. I realize now that huge cruise ships must find ways to reduce their amount of trash because it saves them money, hence, making the cruise more eco-conscious for all of us, perhaps more than airlines and hotels.

My bed sheets were never taken out/washed the entire 9-day stay. My used towels, left on the racks, were simply re-folded and put back on the rack (I know because I put a tiny make-up smudge on one corner on purpose).

Here is a photo-journal of all the good eco-things (and some bad) about the cruise I went on.

The showerhead was low-flow, and the warmest setting for the shower was mildly warm. I couldn't increase it to a hot temperature (I love hot showers, so this was a nice way to detract me from taking hot showers!). I also know the ship can provide hot temperatures because in the spa, I used their shower, and it was hot! Wonder why.
This shampoo/conditioner dispenser was excellent, much better than the tiny bottles they put in your hotel room every day. I used this everyday.

Those signs were in every room, every bathroom and peppered on various locations on the ship.

I could control the temperature in my room. Of course we put it at the lowest possible setting, but the air conditioning in the cruise liner was too strong (yes I froze), and the cold air still seeped in our room regardless of that setting. I was told that people remedy this by opening their balcony window to let the outside air in (which is obviously just making the air conditioner run even more). I think this is probably the biggest pet peeve I have about cruises - their freezing temperatures!!!! Royal Caribbean, take note!
Their trash cans in the rooms are NOT lined with plastic bags.
The bathroom trash can, again, NOT lined with a plastic bag. Nice! When I had my period (yes I got it on the cruise, ugh), there were paper bags specifically for discarding pads and tampons that said "100% recyclable" and "biodegradable". Hmm. Too bad, I forgot to bring my Sea Sponges!!! So I bought tampons from the cruise shop - double UGH).

I didn't take a picture of my laundry bag (they washed my clothes) and returned it in a paper bag (not plastic). The original laundry bag was plastic, though....
All of their lights are LED bulbs that put out less heat and require significantly less energy.
Recycling bins can be found on each floor.
Unfortunately, their milk comes in paper cartons (better than plastic, regardless). I also was disappointed the condiments were all individual sized (ketchup, mustard, relish, syrup, butter, and so on). There should be bulk canisters for these things. Also, water is provided in dispensing tanks, so there were no plastic bottles anywhere. You could purchase them from the ship, but of course they were tad too expensive (thank goodness), and I didn't see anyone drinking from them or leaving them around.
All of the utensils, dishes and napkins were metal, plastic/ceramic or cloth. I only found one small section of the ship that provided paper napkins (and it was hard to find).

A small half-page article in a thick magazine by the Royal Caribbean cruise for the 2009-2010 year mentions their endeavors in being eco-conscious. They mention that all their windows have tinging materials that filter out almost all UV rays which saves air conditioning (if only they'd turn down their air conditioning setting!). Their dishwashers, laundry equipment, ice makers are all water-conserving and energy efficient. The newer ships all have better hull shapes and improved propeller systems which save energy and fuel.

What do you think? Do those little things cancel out the amount of carbon emissions the ship emits? I wish I took a photo of the gray-black billowing smoke from the top of the ship. Does the moving ship make a negative, irreparable impact on the ecosystems underneath?

(not a photo of a Royal Carribean ship, it's a photo I found on the internet)

I've read that it's better to cruise than to fly, because of the low MPH (the lower MPH you go, the more fuel you save over time) and I've never met a plane that could carry 5,000 passengers, board them, feed them, and take them to 4 islands over 9 days. What do you think?

p.s. This blogging style, "photo-journals" - I borrowed from Beth Terry, blogger at Fake Plastic Fish. I love her blog posts, check her out!

27 August 2009

Great Sage Restaurant: Come!!!

Candace McCullough invites you all to:
Come join us for a great vegan dinner at the delicious Great Sage restaurant in Clarksville, MD.

***Call ahead with your credit card info to reserve a seat under Candace McCullough's name. Reservations can be canceled 3 days in advance at no charge***

Great Sage is proud to announce...
Locally Grown Gourmet Vegan Dinner!

Monday, September 14th at 7pm

$45 per person plus tax and gratuity

Come enjoy a locally farmed, delicious, five course meal at our Conscious Corner business Great Sage Restaurant. There will be a spotlight on the importance of organic, local farms and produce along with a guest speaker.

Seating is very limited so be sure to make reservation today!!


Heirloom Tomato Terrine
with Maché and aged Balsamic

1st Course
Roasted Baby Beet Salad with Bi-colored Corn, Baby Dragon Lettuce, and
Pistachio Vinaigrette

2nd Course
Local Shitake Risotto with Roasted Leeks,
Wilted Spinach, and Summer Squash

3rd Course
Purple Bell Pepper stuffed with Baby Maroon Carrots and Quinoa-Herb Salsa
Raspberry Snow

Blackberry Compote
with White Chocolate-Peach Mousse

21 August 2009

DATES: Saturday and Sunday, August 29 to 30

TIME: 8 AM to Midnight

PLACE: Patuxent River 4-H Center at Upper Marlboro, Maryland

There will be presentations, music, education on natural health, sacred exercises, meditation, poetry, dancing, creative children's program, raw food demonstration (all day long) and much more.
INTERPRETING SERVICE: There will be around 10 interpreters throughout the event at pre-arranged sites :-)

$69 for one day pass
$99 for a weekend pass or $115 at the door

Kids' Rates:
Age 0 - 4: FREE

5 - 11: $59 for a weekend pass
5 - 11: $49 for a single day pass

Please email
Rev. Patricia McDaniel at: freelancespirit43@yahoo.com

May Wille at: maywille@yahoo.com
that you have registered for the festival and also whether you opt for the weekend or which day you plan to go with your single day pass.

Meals can be purchased at the restaurant courts.
Fresh organic fruits and vegetables are available at the farmers market. delicious desserts and scrumptious smoothies can be bought at the vendor booths.

Children are welcome.
Bring your children to experience the creative and inspirational program provided each hour during the day and evening!
Preschool children need to be attended by one parent at all times!


News: Mexico City bans stores from distributing plastic bags

Story Highlights
  • Mexico City is Western Hemisphere's second large metro area to ban the bags
  • Move comes as leading environmentalists call for global ban
  • U.N. agency: Plastic bags are second-most common form of litter
  • Bags a major threat to ocean wildlife, U.N. agency says
Read the article here

Anthony's comment:
I remember reading an article about the city of San Fransisco banning the distribution of plastic bags few years ago. I was delighted to hear that news. I was hoping that more American cities would follow San Fransisco's anti-plastic bag model but apparently not as far as I know. Reading the article about Mexico City made me happy that more foreign cities are adopting the similar policy and encouraging their stores to distribute only bio-degradable bags. Encourage your American stores to ban regular plastic bags and start distributing bio-degradable bags. We can do it!

Thank you, CNN, for sharing the news.

07 July 2009

Eco-Movie: Earthlings


"EARTHLINGS is an award-winning documentary film about the suffering of animals for food, fashion, pets, entertainment and medical research. Considered the most persuasive documentary ever made, EARTHLINGS is nicknamed “the Vegan maker” for its sensitive footage shot at animal shelters, pet stores, puppy mills, factory farms, slaughterhouses, the leather and fur trades, sporting events, circuses and research labs. The film is narrated by Academy Award® nominee Joaquin Phoenix and features music by platinum-selling recording artist Moby. Initially ignored by distributors, today EARTHLINGS is considered the definitive animal rights film by organizations around the world. “Of all the films I have ever made, this is the one that gets people talking the most,” said Phoenix. “For every one person who sees EARTHLINGS, they will tell three.”

The film Earthlings contains
images of graphic violence to animals
Viewer discretion is advised.

www. Earthlings.com

Thank you Katherine, an Ecodeaf member, for recommending the film.

02 July 2009

Creating Art and being Eco-Friendly

As I have integrated eco-living into my life, I have faced an interesting dilemma in how to be earth-friendly as I create art.

I recently created New Year's cards, something that I have never done before, and I felt inclined to do so because I was trying out a new art technique. Of course, I wanted to share these cards with friends and I opted to do it the old-fashioned way to revive the lost art of letter writing. I sent them out via snail mail.

To compensate for creating carbon footprints by having them copied and sent out, I had them copied on 100% recycled paper. I did not feel satisfied with how I was trying to offset my footprint, but they went out in the mail nevertheless. I hope when recipients were ready to discard their card (I'd be flattered if they wanted to keep them tacked to the fridge), it went into their recycle bin or is shredded and put in the compost bin.

I've questioned myself about how an artist can be "green" without sacrificing quality, or paying lots of money. I deal with that question as I work with oil paint, turpentine, and other art materials laced with ingredients impossible to spell.

Do I switch to art materials created with natural ingredients? What may be the best way to dispose of them or to switch over to natural ingredients without losing quality? Over the next couple of months, I will try to find out more about this and how I can feel content both with what I create, and how I dispose of waste products, and I will post what I find.

If any of you have insight on this - feel free to share!

Volunteer Registration is Open for the 2009 DC Green Festival!

Washington, DC Green Festival
October 10-11, 2009

WDC Convention Center


*Please note: if you volunteered last year you will have to re-register for an account on our website. You may use the same account information from the previous year, but you must re-register because all accounts are cleared from the system each year. Thank you!

The sixth year of the DC Green Festival is shaping up to be amazing! We invite you to volunteer with us this year and help make the Green Festival another success!

Green Festival relies on the support of over 1,000 volunteers! Volunteers not only receive great benefits, like free admission, an exclusive organic cotton staff t-shirt, and free memberships-volunteers become a part of a huge community of people that utilize civic involvement to make an impact on social and environmental justice. Join the Green Festivals volunteer team and you’ll really make a difference!

Volunteers must complete one 4.5-5 hour shift, but are encouraged to volunteer for two or three shifts. Volunteers receive free admission to the event for both days, an exclusive staff organic cotton t-shirt, optional free one-year membership to Global Exchange and Green America, and 10% off at the Global Exchange and Green Festivals Stores!

If you have a group that would like to volunteer, please contact Alesha Reardon, volunteer@greenfestivals.org, to arrange for a group time slot. Group slots tend to fill up quickly, so please consider contacting us early!

Please note that our age restrictions have changed this year. We are only allowing volunteers 14 or older to volunteer. Volunteers between the ages 14-16 must volunteer with an adult. If you have any questions or concerns, please email

Join us on Facebook! We now have a DC Green Festival volunteer page on Facebook-join us year round as we collaborate, communicate and organize: www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=59392583472

If you have any questions about volunteering, or are interested in joining our pre-event volunteer Street Team to help get the word out about the festival and volunteering please contact Alesha Reardon at volunteer@greenfestivals.org

Looking forward to my fourth DC Green Festival and working with all of you!

Green regards,

Alesha Reardon
National Volunteer Director

Still not sure about volunteering?
Read about Anthony's positive Green Festival 2008 volunteer experience here